Tag archieven: nieuw verbond

2022-New Covenant in Jeremiah 31

‘The New Covenant in the Context of the Book of Jeremiah’,

in Hans Burger, Gert Kwakkel, Michael Mulder (eds.), Covenant: A Vital Element of Reformed Theology: Biblical, Historical and Systematic-Theological Perspectives, 124-45. SRT 42. Leiden: Brill, 2022.

Amidst many condemnations and warnings, the prophet Jeremiah announces a new covenant (31: 31–34). This new covenant fulfills an important role in the New Testament and in Christian theology. The purpose of this article is to establish what this passage means within the context of the book of Jeremiah and from that basis to look at how the new covenant has been handled within theological circles.
This article begins with a discussion of the structure of the book of Jeremiah (section 2), of chapters 30–33 (section 3) and of 31: 31–34 (section 4). After this, the meaning of the word ‘covenant’ will be dealt with (section 5). Five aspects of the new covenant will then be addressed: the recipients (section 6), the law in the hearts (section 7), the knowledge of YHWH (section 8), forgiveness (section 9), and the future (section 10). We move on to a discussion of the new perspective of the covenant (section 11) and address particular issues in the relationship between exegesis and systematic theology (section 12).

According to the agreement with Brill this is the final manuscript version.
Pdf:  2022 – 05_Paul_New_Covenant_Jeremiah_31.docx

2021 – Mozes over toekomst van Israël

Mozes neemt afscheid en houdt in Deuteronomium een indringende toespraak. Hij waarschuwt en bemoedigt. Aan het eind van het boek komen zegeningen en vervloekingen. Mozes verwacht dat het volk een keer ongehoorzaam zal zijn en door God gestraft zal worden. Toch verbreekt God de relatie niet. Volgens Deuteronomium 30:1-10 komt er bekering van het volk.
In de lezing komt ook naar voren dat latere profeten spreken over vernieuwing van het hart en vernieuwing van het verbond.

De gebruikte PowerPoint: Nijkerk – CvI – Toekomst Israel in Deut – 21 april 2021

2017 – The Meaning of the New Covenant (Jer 31)

The Meaning of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31) for Israel and the Church

Paper at BEST-conference on the covenant, Apeldoorn – 30 March 2017 (not published)

In Jeremiah 31 a new covenant is announced. Because Jewish and Christian theologians differ in their interpretation of this, I discuss this new covenant in the context of the Book of Jeremiah and study the references to it in the New Testament.
Next to Jewish and Christian interpretations, also the perspective of Messianic Jews on this subject is considered. How do these groups consider their involvement in the new covenant?

MJPaul – The New Covenant (Jeremiah 31) for Israel and the Church – 2017